There’s a lot of talk about Wagyu beef, and with good reason. Luxuriantly tender, with a melt-in-your-mouth texture, it’s velvety and flavorful. Of course, any time there’s a lot of talk about something, rumors and untruths are likely to creep in. Here are some common myths we’d like to dispel.
- Myth: Kobe beef and Wagyu beef are the same thing.
- Fact: Though these terms are sometimes used incorrectly, they don’t always mean the same thing. Wagyu refers to a type of Japanese cattle, while Kobe is a particular brand of Wagyu that originates in Hyogo, Japan. It gets its name from Kobe, the capital city of Hyogo. So, the thing to remember is that all Kobe is Wagyu, but all Wagyu is not Kobe.
- Myth: True Wagyu beef is only available in Japan.
- Fact: You can get Japanese Wagyu at certain restaurants and some online sites. American Wagyu beef is even easier to find and is an exquisite eating experience, and these top-performing American cattle boast Wagyu genetics.
- Myth: All Wagyu is created equal.
- Fact: American Wagyu beef varies in quality, and this is reflected in its grading. The genetics of the cattle, the way the cattle are raised, the cut of beef, and other factors come into play when it comes to Wagyu beef quality. When purchasing Wagyu, make sure to find a producer that raises cattle with a high standard of care and is transparent about its practices. Wagyu beef should be raised naturally, should have an authentic Wagyu pedigree, and should be graded on standards modeled after the Japanese Beef Marbling Standards (BMS). Wagyu beef is exceptional, often scoring higher than the USDA’s Prime grade, because Wagyu producers are passionately committed to producing amazing beef.
- Myth: Wagyu is unhealthy because it has a high fat content.
- Fact: One of the most astonishing things about Wagyu is the nutritional benefit it provides. Wagyu is known for its remarkable marbling, but the high fat content is largely composed of heart-healthy fats. Wagyu is also packed with protein and other important nutrients.
- Myth: Wagyu beef is impossible for a home cook to properly prepare.
- Fact: Even though Wagyu beef is a delicacy often associated with restaurants, it’s still, ultimately, a piece of beef. Preparing American Wagyu beef is not necessarily more difficult than preparing any other type of beef, as long as you don’t over-season, overhandle, or overcook it. Wagyu must be prepared carefully to preserve its delicate texture, lush juiciness, and delicious flavor.
For top-quality American Wagyu Beef, you can trust Triple T Ranch. Located in south Alabama, our small, family-owned-and-operated ranch is a place where practicing proven husbandry techniques ensures the health and prosperity of the herd. Our cattle are well cared-for and registered through the American Wagyu Association. Call (251)333-2800 or contact us through our website for more information.