What is Wagyu beef? It’s Japan’s famously expensive beef, and is somewhat misunderstood.  When it comes to American Wagyu, the confusion grows even deeper. That’s why we’d like to take a minute and debunk some myths about American Wagyu beef.

  • Myth 1: Wagyu is banned in the United States. It’s easy to see where this idea originates, because Wagyu DNA and live animals are banned for export from Japan. You can still import the meat, though, because a ban on meat was lifted in 2012. Further, the permanent ban was not in effect between 1975 and 1997, so cattle from that time period began the seed stock of Wagyu farming in the U.S. There are 26,000 purebred Wagyu in the United States, and they have to meet strict standards set by the American Wagyu Association.
  • Myth 2: Wagyu means “high quality beef”. Wagyu actually just translates to “Japanese cattle.” This covers four official breeds of cows, and not all of them achieve the high mark of A5 Wagyu beef. American Wagyu can be as good as A5, but it doesn’t get that designation because it only applies to cattle in Japan. It pays to research sources of Wagyu beef for sale, so that you can be sure you’re getting the highest quality available.
  • Myth 3: Wagyu farmers do weird things to produce higher quality meat. There are all sorts of rumors floating around, about farmers force feeding a Wagyu cow or feeding it beer while playing classical music for it. None of these things are true, to our knowledge! In fact, Wagyu cattle ranchers make every effort to raise their animals in a calm, low-stress environment, because happy cows produce higher-quality beef.
  • Myth 4: Wagyu beef is too fatty to be healthful. Wagyu beef is highly marbled, with a remarkable fat content of up to 25 percent. However, the fat in Wagyu is healthy, monounsaturated fat. It’s got oleic acid and Omega-3 and Omega-6 fatty acids, so the fat in Wagyu beef will actually help protect your health and lower your cholesterol.
  • Myth 5: Wagyu should only be served as steaks. Wagyu can be served in a variety of ways, and you can buy Wagyu as a roast, brisket, and even ground beef! In Japan, they serve Wagyu on sandwiches, in soup and stews, and more. When you start with beautiful, high-quality meat, the way you prepare it is up to you.

For quality American Wagyu Beef, you can trust Triple T Ranch. Located in south Alabama, our small, family-owned-and-operated ranch is a place where practicing proven husbandry techniques ensures the health and prosperity of the herd. Our cattle are well cared-for and registered through the American Wagyu association. We’re committed to raising quality cattle and dedicated to others who also want to experience this amazing breed. Contact us through our website or call (251)333-2800 for more information.